women and man wearing orange safety vests
women and man wearing orange safety vests





Customs and Compliance services on a Global Basis

Our aim is to offer an Import Management Program that covers all your standard and expedited customs clearance needs. Our service includes providing careful assistance, thorough post-entry audits, and customized point-and-click report generation.

COMMERZE SAN FRONTIERS offers global customs and compliance services, with all of our offices managed by certified Customs Brokers. We provide comprehensive clearance and entry services, including expedited eCommerce shipping solutions, ensuring top-quality service and 24/7 support.

Superior & Quality Services

The foundation of our 24/7 quality support includes creating a Client Import Policy and Procedures manual, offering classification/valuation assistance, providing online tracking, an image processing system, and granting access to our global communication services. All of these elements are essential for ensuring compliance with government regulations.

We offer export and import compliance audits, consulting, training, seminars, and outsourcing solutions for shippers in the US. Each solution is customized to meet your specific needs, and we collaborate with you to explore new export markets while streamlining your import operations.

Visibility & Intergration

The COMMERZE SAN FRONTIERS Import Operating System is seamlessly integrated with AMS, ABI, and ACE portal applications. This advanced technology enables rapid data transmission and retrieval from the Customs Database. Designated customers also have access to our operating system for document generation, compliance reporting, and report writing.

We have the capability to handle the Customs Clearance process for bulk parcels, ensuring that eCommerce orders move through the system as quickly as possible.